1. Foxmarks:
A great add-on... if we work on different computers. With Foxmarks, we can automatically backup and store our bookmarks and stored passwords, and access them from any machine. What’s more, you can also restore our bookmarks onto our machine incase of a system crash.

2. Answers:
Instead of checking unfamiliar words thru a dictionary or something, use this addon to get the meaning with just a click. The Answers add-on uses resources like Answers.com, Wikipedia and Dictionary.com to name a few, and shows the meaning of the word through a popup on the same page.
3. Google preview:
This add-on inserts a thumbnail image of the Google search result beside the link. Not only does
this add-on work with Google Search, but also on Yahoo! Search. This may come in handy when searching for a particular site you may have seen some time ago and forgotten its URL. Apart from the thumbnail preview of the search results, this add-on also adds a ‘Popularity rank’ bar below the link of each search result.
4. All in one sidebar:
Inspired from Opera - All-in-One Sidebar add-on gives us quick access to the most commonly used features of Firefox through easily accessible buttons. We can view your bookmarks and history, and directly open them in the same or different tabs. Downloads, add-ons and themes can be quickly accessed and confi gured through the sidebar.
5. Download status bar:
This is a very useful addon to help manage and track our downloads easily.After the add-on is installed,the download window does not pop up every time we download a file or save an image thus saving the trouble of switching between the browser and the download windows. Instead, a small statusbar appears on the bottom of the browser. The statusbar shows details
like the download speed, estimated time remaining for the download, the amount of data downloaded so far, and the percentage of the file completed. We can also resume a download that wasn’t completed in previous session.
6. Stumbleupon:

on the toolbar.With the ‘review’ button, we can add a review to a particular site. With many categories of website, we can be sure we will never be left with nothing to surf.
7. Firefox showcase:
If we have a lot of tabs open in browser, With Firefox Showcase, we can view the current thumbnail of each tab that is open in browser. Not only this, we can also browse through the previously opened pages in that particular tab by using the ‘Back’ and ‘Forward’ buttons provided on the bottom of each thumbnail. Using the drag and drop feature of the add-on, we can rearrange the tabs. We can also easily bookmark pages by simply right clicking the thumbnail of the page we want to bookmark.
8. Colorful tabs:
An addon to the above addon :)
With this add-on, different colors can be assigned to different tabs. Using different colors for different tabs, the user can relate a certain tab with a color, thus avoiding reading the tab titles while searching for a particular tab. This add-on can also be configured to have tabs of a certain site to be the same color, which proves to be very helpful when we have more than one page from a particular site opened in browser.
9. Read it later:
Ever come across a website that caught your eye, but you didn’t have the time to read it? Now, instead of bookmarking a page that is meant for a one time read, use this add-on to store the link of the page. A simple way to tag a page for later viewing is by clicking the ‘tick’ mark which appears at the side of the bookmark button on the address bar. Read It Later stores the links which can easily be accessed from the add-on button. Once done, it can be marked as done, and the link will be deleted.
10. Foxytunes:
If you are a music lover, go for this!This add-on adds music control buttons to your Firefox browser window which allows you to control your music directly while surfing the Internet, instead of switching between Firefox and your music player.

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