You might come into a situation where in you would need to convert a word into a PDF some time and you might have wondered how? Well, I did. There are multiple stand alone utilities which demand payments from us but there are also some free programs which might just do the job, which I will touch base soon. Anyways, for now,I would like to tell you the simplest way of doing the same. All you need is an Internet connection. Here are the steps:
1. Open
2. Browse for the file from your system. Click the radio button as "File" and not URL. If its a url, then you will need to upload the doc to some other site and provide its path.
3. Now click on "Convert your file"
4. It might take anywhere between 5 min to 15 min depending on the speed and the type of doc. Once this is done, you will see the status as "Job is done".
5. Then click on "Download your file" button which is below the same status. Open or save to your desktop.
Note: You can also enter the Email ID and have this doc sent to the same. Just make sure to check it before converting the file. Also you will need to wait for 30 min before converting another file since you are a free member. If you have interest, become a paid member as this is well recommended!
Click Here to know how to convert PDF to WORD or EXCEL.
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