I suppose that you are not having any of the minimum level of acquainence needed with the PC.
Hence to facilitate that better, I would like to help you out in a very easy way my friend.
In General, whenever you are going to buy a PC, you need to have an idea of the following Components with out which your PC can be a mere waste box!!!
- Case or Chassis
- Monitor
- Motherboard
- Hard disk
- Graphics Card (Optional)
- Other accessories
A Case is a cabinet that hosts all your major components. Remember, this is the one which will always be like a parent to all the kids that you get . SO make sure you are going for a fantastic one. The Case is likely not be fancy as appearances can be deceptive. rgt? Another important thing we need to look at is like we need to have a sufficient air circulation i.e., cooling effect along with proper ventilation. This would prevent any dust that would come in and this will surely help in the long running of your PC. The Case can vary from 30$ to 400$ as of now
SMPS is another important component which needs to be bought for PC as the powersupply is a vital component for any PC. WIth out this would you expect your computer to run ? :)
You buy all the required components but whats the use? You need to have an output which your eyes will be able to see and believe the power of the PC. rgt? So heres the monitor comes into picture. Monitors are of two types.
CRT and LCD.
CRT are the old school monitors that were in use. But the LCD Monitors are th latest in trend. They are also useful in reducing the power consumption which is usually more in the CRT monitors. I prefer the latest Widescreen LCD Monitors.
Just like a Heart is the heart of the humanbody, the motherboard forms the heart of the Human Generated automated PC. It is this component which housed the RAM,graphic cards if any and also the processor ofcourse.
Harddisk:Where will you store the things that you get hands on? All the movies,applications and the games that you download...you need some bag like thing to carry on them right? Thats the way, we need to focus on this. The Hard disks are available from 40 GB now to even Terabyte Capacity...:)
RAM means RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY. We need this for any application to perform well.As of now, in the current market,people are using minimum of 1024 MB RAM which is 1 GB.Even the laptops in the current market are coming with a minimum of 1 GB RAM. When I bought the system, it was around 128 MB RAM in 2002. But i tell, you, for the current and newly developed applications to run, 128 or 256 RAMS are definetly not enough. I suggest a minimum of 1 GB RAM either for PC or notebook. 2 GB would be much better!
RAMS are available in DDR,DDR2 and DDR3. The difference being in the performance. Initially I had DDR Ram. Even before and even now, people still use SD RAM. You can have below ratio for your understanding like 128MB DDR RAM is equivalent to 256MB SD RAM.Have this analogy for your understanding. DDR3 is bit costly but wait till the prices come down.
Now this is my favourite...:) Graphics cards are not always recommended. Actually, the display that comes on the monitor directly comes from the integrated graphics chipset on the motherboard that you buy. Hence having graphic cards is an optional choice. Graphics cards are only for the high end application users i.e., the 3D Applications and also for the exclusive GAMERS like me...he he...:) Anyways you have plenty of graphic cards in the market. But wait for my next topic on like how to choose a graphic card will help you better! As of now, just know that the graphics cards come inbuilt with exclusive RAM for them and latest chipset technology of graphics display chipset gaints like NVIDIA and ATI Radeon
With the above info, I assume that you being a lemann of not having any any idea of computer, now have a better idea about the key computer components. Have any doubts or clarifications, reach me by subscribing to my blog and commenting here your query :)
truly ROYALE!!!
Useful read describe the components of a PC very well. You have done a great job. This article is very helpful for those who want to know more about computers Hardware.
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