

August 02, 2008


Have you ever tried downloading? or have you been always a surfer who gets the data from friends? Well anyways, this article that I am writing is for those who love downloading!!!

Before I start, most important - I assume you do have an internet connection which is pretty good with a minimum of 256 KBPS Bandwidth. Else contact your ISP provider so that you can avail a better bandwidth connection.In real times, US and UK are the Bandwidth heavens.To be very frank in My country India, still the ISP providers cry over providing the 10 MBPS Bandwidth connections. Thats the reason I have mentioned that you need to have a minimum amount of 256 KBPS Bandwidth as well.Ok now let me get to the point.

Once you have connected to the Internet or once you have established the Connection, what you need to do is to use a fantastic browser. AS I ALREADY SAID, THIS BLOG WILL BE INDETAIL AND I AM WRITING THIS ARTICLE SO THAT EVEN A LEYMANN CAN UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM SAYING...

Many of us still use the Internet explorer. But I suggest you to use OPERA or MOZILLA because currently Internet has been the main target for all the hackers as it is continuously on. However even you can use both! I personally use Opera as well as mozilla. Mozilla is good at things where your internet connection is bad.I mean, in opera, pages do not open that smoothly if your internet is bad. You need to click repetitively. Mozilla is good here. It accurately tests the java script and moreover there will be frequent patches available from the mozilla developers.But if you have a splendid Internet, No other option, opera must always be there as it provides increased speeds.

Firewall: This basically blocks the intrusion attempts that happen on your Computer while you are online.So If you have Windows XP, Apply Service Pack 3. And then turn on the firewall.But at times, the firewall can drastically slow down your internet speed and sometimes even kill your connection.I personally suggest to disable the Firewall and always use some Anti spyware and Antivirus softwares about which I will be discussing in my "How to Keep my PC Healthy?" Section.

As of now - In short, Use a good browser, clear the cache regularly, Turn on or Off the Firewall and most important, Have the latest updates of your OS as well.

Please leave your comments for any queries.If you like my articles, please link my blog to your sites.


Unknown said...

awesome work!!! good piece of information!!!very useful...thanks!!!

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