

September 03, 2008

Excellent Tips for MS-Excel

Printing grids:
Excel by default does not print the gridlines (the cell markers). This is because by default the cells in Excel do not have a colored border. To enable gridlines while setting up your document for print, perform the following steps:
1. From the “File” menu select the “Page Setup” option.
2. Click the “Sheet” tab on the dialog box.
3. Under the “Print” section, check on “Gridlines”.
4. Click “OK”.
5. To verify whether the gridlines appear properly, use the “File | Print Preview” command.

Using Borders for grids:
Using the gridlines option to print may not be such a good idea if you do not wish to print all the gridlines on the page to be printed. You can instead as a solid border to the cells as an alternative. To add a border to a set of cells:
1. Select the required cells.
2. Click the drop-arrow near the Border button on the Formatting toolbar to choose from a list of
border styles.
3. Select the Outside borders or Top and Bottom borders style.
4. The border style will be applied on the selected range.
5. Repeat these steps for other cell ranges that are to be formatted.
6. Finally save the file.
7. Before printing the worksheet you can preview it by using the “File | Print Preview”command. Then click the “Close” button.

AUto fill A series:
Excel offers a time-saving feature called the fill handle. With the fill handle, you can fill data series like numbers and dates, numbers or dates at specific intervals, numbers with specific patterns, alpha numeric data in specific patterns, month, and days of the calendar etc…
To type numbers with specific patterns:
1. Type the first two numbers in consecutive cells (odd, even, consecutive or pattern of numbers
to be followed).
2. Select both the cells.
3. Place the mouse pointer to the extreme bottom-right corner of the selection the this cross will change to a thin plus “+” sign
4. Now left click and drag the fill handle down or across to as many cells as required to extend the
series, to cpmlete your series.


Unknown said...

Nice tips..

Good look and feel also :)

Good job...

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